Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis and what methods of therapy will be needed for this? To understand this question, it is necessary to consider the pathology itself. Prostatitis can develop for a number of reasons, the most common of which are hypothermia, a sedentary lifestyle, and infections.

Chronic inflammation of the prostate gradually progresses.
The main symptoms of this pathology:
- pain during urination and defecation;
- fatigue and apathy;
- discomfort felt in the lower abdomen and genital area;
- periodic increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees.
When the prostate becomes inflamed, a man loses his sexual power. This symptom is also one of the most characteristic and it is recommended not to "suffocate" it.
Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis? Some people believe that it is impossible to overcome this pathology. In fact, prostatitis is curable, you just need to use effective and safe methods of therapy.
Treatment methods

When a person says that chronic prostatitis is incurable, he usually thinks of only one therapeutic method.
Specialists in the field of urology have long proven that this form of prostate inflammation can only be cured in a comprehensive way. That is, you must use several methods of therapy at once, including:
- Medicines. Antibiotics, alpha blockers, antispasmodics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat prostatitis in men.
- Manual massage. This therapeutic method is performed by a specialist. It is important to understand that in some cases prostate massage is contraindicated. It is not given to patients who have complications (for example, stones have formed).
- Traditional methods. They are less popular because of their slow action. Traditional methods of therapy can increase the effect of the main (drug) treatment.
- Diet. In order to completely cure the prostate, you must give up unhealthy food and bad habits. Otherwise, the male body will constantly be in a weakened state.

How to cure chronic prostatitis? In addition to the described methods of therapy, you can also use vitamin complexes. The entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the prostate seriously affects men's health. For this reason, patients are recommended to take vitamins and nutrients (omega-3 acids, calcium).
Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis with traditional methods? Those who have completely cured this disease say with confidence that it is impossible.
Alternative treatment can enhance the positive effect, but nothing more. It is also not recommended to resort to urine therapy - this method is very dubious.
Is prostatitis treated with surgery? In advanced cases, surgery may be required. If you start therapy too late, stones (larger than 4 mm) may form in the prostate. Most often, in such situations, surgical intervention is resorted to.
Is chronic prostatitis 100 percent curable? Yes, this pathology can be completely cured. The most important thing is not to "flip out" in the middle of therapy. You cannot stop dieting or stop taking medication until recovery occurs.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis with drugs
The question of whether chronic prostatitis can be cured has already been answered in detail. Now we need to understand exactly which drugs should be used to fight this disease.
Important! It is recommended that you visit a specialist before starting therapy. Only he will be able to choose an effective treatment regimen, as well as prescribe manual massage.
Prostatitis can be treated with the following medicines:

- Antibiotics. They have an antibacterial effect, that is, they fight against the cause of the development of pathology. Conventional antibiotics and highly effective broad-spectrum agents - fluoroquinolones - are used for therapy.
- Rectal suppositories. Such preparations may contain antibiotics, beeswax or medicinal herbs. Suppositories are used both to eliminate disease symptoms and to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. These drugs work quickly.
- Antispasmodics. Medicines in this category are necessary to relax the muscle cells of the prostate. Due to spasms, it is painful for the patient to go to the toilet, so antispasmodics are mandatory therapeutic agents.
- Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Many people debate whether or not these drugs are necessary to treat prostate cancer. With their help, prostatitis can be stopped, that is, the inflammatory process can be slowed down. In addition, such drugs effectively relieve pain and reduce fever.
Patients wondering how to get rid of chronic prostatitis should take a closer look at the drugs on this list. All medicines have contraindications, which must be read before use.
Important! Treatment with fluoroquinols is prohibited for tuberculous prostatitis.
Traditional methods

Traditional methods of therapy are especially recommended in cases where a person has already been cured of prostatitis. They are used for preventive purposes and help prevent relapse. Prostatitis can also be treated with traditional recipes, but only in combination with drugs.
Traditional medicine offers the following therapeutic methods:
- pumpkin seeds (used before and after meals, approximately 200-250 grams per day);
- baths with the addition of chamomile or sage extract;
- anti-inflammatory herbal mixtures (can be purchased at any pharmacy);
- dried aspen bark (1 tablespoon mixed with 300 ml of alcohol and infused for 10 days).
How can chronic prostatitis be treated with vitamins? This is another interesting therapeutic method that can help the patient. The use of vitamin complexes helps to strengthen the immune system and significantly increases the effectiveness of other drugs.
Using these treatment methods, anyone can cure chronic prostatitis forever. In addition to using various medications and prescriptions, the patient must follow a diet and maintain physical activity.